Fluke Norma 6000 Portable Power Analyzer

Fluke Norma 6000
Fluke Norma Power Analyzer The Fluke Norma 6000 Series Portable Wideband Precision Power Analyzers give you more freedom than ever before to make high accuracy power measurements wherever you need to—whether in the lab, or in the field. Uitgebreide beschrijving

Designed for portability the lightweight, battery powered Fluke 6000 Series eliminates the need to carry large, fragile, expensive analyzers into the field, allowing you to make measurements directly at the load in nearly any environment. By measuring directly at the load, you can discover how the equipment operates under real-world conditions, with real-world variables, not just at a test bench or in the lab.

Fluke 6003 Power Analyzer

The Fluke 6003 includes three measurement channels which each consist of a voltage and current input making it ideal for three-phase power measurements.

Fluke 6004 Power Analyzer

The Fluke 6004 includes four measurement channels giving it the capability to measure three-phase power and DC power simultaneously to enable real-time inverter efficiency measurements under real-world conditions.

Fluke 6003+ and Fluke 6004+ Power Analyzer

The Fluke 6003+ and 6004+ models both add the capability to measure mechanical parameters such as speed and torque (from separate transducers) to discover the electrical to mechanical efficiency of the load under a variety of typical operating modes.

With the addition of optional measurement accessories, you can even make measurements up to 1,500V DC and 2,000A AC+DC on conductors with a diameter of up to 52mm. The instrument’s compact, battery-powered design combined with a wideband frequency response makes it easier than ever to make measurements on hard to access systems such as inverter drive systems, DC-AC and AC-DC power conversion systems and electric motors without removing them from service. Making these measurements in the field simplifies the troubleshooting and performance measurement processes without sacrificing uptime, giving you more accurate test results that will enable you to discover whether your loads are operating as effectively and efficiently as they should be.


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